Bee Charmer
Bee Charmer is a honey shop in Asheville that gives the full experience of a yummy and unique honey tasting.

To preface, I am not a honey lover in general, so I wasn't expecting to enjoy the honey very much, but I was pleasantly surprised with how much I loved it.
We walked into the honey shop, and there was an opportunity to sit at the honey bar and do a tasting of the different flavors. I would say that we probably tasted 20 different types of honey, and that didn't even make a dent in their inventory.

We tried so many different flavors of honey from Italian cream to ghost pepper hot.
I loved the infused flavors of honey, especially the sweet ones. My favorite was the cocoa honey and the vanilla honey. These both tasted as delicious as they sound and would go perfectly with any dessert. I also loved the flavor of the firecracker hot honey which was so yummy and is recommended for vegetables or avocado toast.

I was surprised that I loved the honey as much as I did. It was nice to go into a foreign area for me and be really pleased with how great it was. It definitely helped that the workers were so helpful and resourceful about the different types of honey. I walked away with some delicious treats and I have a newfound love for honey.